The NUkes ukulele nights resume Tuesday 13th Feb at 7pm.
Hope you have all had a great holidays, that Santa got you that special ukulele and you have all practised your little fingers off.
Cheers CC
7pm till late.
Old Spot Hotel.
Main North Road,
South Australia.
ENTRY: Gold Coin Donation
I'm looking for someone willing to give a talk/demo during the daytime to the Campbelltown U3A which has its home on Gorge Road Paradise. Suggested date is Friday 6 November 2-3.30 pm. Can you put me in touch with someone?
ReplyDeleteKerrie Smith
Hi Kerrie,
DeleteI run the NUkes, would be happy to try and help you out. What sort of things do you want the talk on? and how long would the talk be.
Cheers Christopher Carr
Christopher Carr
The Ukulele Trading Co Australia
Purveyors of Fine New and Used Ukuleles +Ukulele Workshops & Private Lessons
Want the Mobile "Popup" Ukulele Shop at your Business, Corporate or Community Event?
EMAIL chrisfromukuleletrading@gmail.com
BLOG http://theukuleletradingcoaustralia.blogspot.com.au/
FACEBOOK http://www.facebook.com/TheUkuleleTradingCoAustralia
EBAY http://myworld.ebay.com.au/chris-from-ukulele-trading
Phone 0432 306 920
Hello Chris
ReplyDeleteI tried sending something to what I thought was your email address last week, butmust have got it wrong.
It was titled U3A Campbelltown General meeting
Hello Chris
Thank you for getting back to me so quickly.
Basically what I am interested in is a speaker/demo for a general meeting to be held in November, on the first Friday (6th November) at our premises, the Marchant Centre, on Gorge Rd at Athelstone. This would be a daytime meeting which I would envisage covering learning to play the ukulele, costs etc. We usually start these meetings at 2 pm, talk covers 45 mins to an hour, and we have a shared afternoon tea. Currently our membership is well over 200, but these meetings usually attract about 40-50 members.
We have been thinking of the possibility of offering a ukulele group/class for our members next year.
Perhaps a sticking point is that U3A tutors are not paid.
I wondered if you could perhaps put us in touch with a retired person in this area who would be willing to try his/her hand at starting the group up.
The class would be perhaps a fortnightly event, perhaps in the afternoon. Most of our classes are 1-2 hours.
If you want to check out what U3A Campbelltown is our website is at https://sites.google.com/site/campbelltownu3asa/
I do have a deadline for setting such a meeting up - our newsletter is published at the end of this month and I would need to get the details into it.
Kerrie Smith
President U3A Campbelltown