Two new members Leanne and Michael (Kevin) rolled up, talk about deep end, but they had fun, we always do, and will be back.
We tried out the NEW Kala UBass solid Body (above right) and it was great! We also discovered that Adam M was a Bass player in his high school years. He took to the UBass like a duck to water. Carol brought along her Cajon Drum, which sounded BadAss.
Having a Drum and Bass to keep the rhythm pumping made it al lot fuller sounding, and no one "lost the one".
Kelly showed she has a great set of pipes singing Maroon 5's Sunday Morning..

Carol tried to teach us a song with 17 chords, "Sit down and write myself a letter" 17 Chords THATS A NOVEL not a letter.
The Two Roys kept on teaching the McFly Song Love is easy, those quick chord changes in the chorus not so easy. Secret of a good pop song... make it sound easy to play!
Also Love Potion Number 9, The two Roys were in fine form, that songs a keeper for The NUkes Repertoire I would guess.
So its Beginners 1st and 3rd Tuesday Nights, Advanced Ukulele on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday nights.