Monday, 30 December 2013

DEMO: The Ohana SK-350G is an All Solid Koa Wood Soprano with Abalone Binding. Enjoy Ken Middleton playing the piece 'The Gypsy Rover.'

Video of Ken Middleton playing the top of the range Ohana Ukuleles  SK-350G Soprano Ukulele.
Enjoy CC.

P.S. Ohana translated mean "family"  and their Ukuleles do seem to embody that comfortable at home feel, so their name suits their product.

I might bring it along to the next NUkes on the 7th for a bit of a "Show and Tell" which usually ends up being "Touch and Play and Pass it around"   ;-) cheers CC

Ohana Ukuleles (A family business based in Hawaii) make some very nice ukuleles indeed.
From their $80 entry level ukuleles to their top of the Range 350 Series its hard to find anything disappointing.

The Ohana SK-350G is an All Solid Koa Wood Soprano with Abalone Binding.  Enjoy Ken Middleton playing the piece 'The Gypsy Rover.'