Thursday, 24 January 2013

The NUkes Ukulele Jam Night...Tuesday the 29th January.

Hooray... January has an extra Tuesday Night in the we have another Tuesday Night Ukulele Jam with The NUkes.

Tuesday the 29th January in the Dining room of the Old Spot Hotel, Main North Road Salisbury.

7pm - 8pm  Welcome Beginners (or those who want a refresher in the Basics)

8pm - 9pm  Learn New Songs & Techniques + Practice the NUkes Repertoire.

9pm - 10pm Jam what you want, Bring it to the table, Run it up the flag pole, Throw it in the get the idea.

10pm - Late: Hardcore Jams for late owls.

See you there Peoples.

Cheers CC

How To Play on Ukulele Jessie J's Pricetag

Had great fun today at The Northern Sound System teaching a group to play this song.  

Its really not that hard and they were fast learners and we were playing as a band in 2 hours. 

Now  F Am Dm and Bb Chords are not your standard "first" chords to teach on Ukulele, but you  might as well start off on "the good foot" as James Brown would say. 

If you play  F Am Dm and Bb then you can jam along to the Jessie J video... other people have posted this in more Uke friendly (read easy) chords.. but persevere with the Dm and the Bb Chords and you can sound way more "authentic... plus everybody sings along to Jessie J in this Key so you wont have any trouble makers going "youse is playing that wrong"  

So Master 
 F Am Dm and Bb on your left hand and get choppy with that funky right hand.  And HAVE FUN
Cheers CC

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Jessie J Price Tag - How To Play

Notice that the Capo is at the 5th Fret...sweet...
that's Ukulele territory...
It means we can play along on our Ukuleles and we are in the same Key as the song...
Ignore the Guitar Shape Chords, just play Ukulele Chords using (F) (Am) (Dm) (Bb) play along.
Cheers CC

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

NUkes DATES FOR 2013
Meetings First and Third Tuesday Nights of the Month
5th, 19th Feb
5th, 19th March
2nd, 16th April
7th, 21st May
4th, 18th June
2nd, 16th July
6th, 20th, August
3rd, 17th September
1st, 15th October
5th, 19th November
3rd, 17th December.

Friday, 4 January 2013

New NUkes aka The Northern Ukuleles Facebook page

Hi all created a Facebook Group for The Northern Ukuleles

and we have a facebook group at

2013 Northern Ukuleles first meeting 15th January

We Kick of 2013 on Tuesday the 15th January in the Dining room of the Old Spot Hotel, Main North Road Salisbury.

7pm - 8pm  Welcome Beginners (or those who want a refresher in the Basics)

8pm - 9pm  Learn New Songs & Techniques + Practice the NUkes Repertoire.

9pm - 10pm Jam what you want, Bring it to the table, Run it up the flag pole, Throw it in the get the idea.

10pm - Late: Hardcore Jams for late owls.

Meetings First and Third Tuesday Nights of the Month